The Willows Primary School

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Contact Details

School Address

  • The Willows Primary School
  • Downing Close,
  • Ipswich,
  • Suffolk,
  • IP2 9ER

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The School Day

Drop off and Collection Times

Morning drop off

The main school gates (by the staff car park) will be opened at 8.30am. Children can be dropped off here. There are plenty of adults to ensure children get to their classes quickly and safely. Reception and Y1 children may be dropped off and enter school via the main office.



End of day

The main school gates open at 3.30pm. Parents enter the school grounds and go to their designated pick up points to collect their children. If you wish to speak to a member of staff, teachers and support staff are available.

Children attending the childcare group on Friday afternoons should be collected from the playground at 3:15pm.
