The Willows Primary School

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  • The Willows Primary School
  • Downing Close,
  • Ipswich,
  • Suffolk,
  • IP2 9ER

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Statutory & Key Information

Local Governing Committee

The Trust Board has appointed an Interim Effective Governance Committee to replace the Local Governing Committee and to support The Willows to achieve rapid improvement in the 2023-24 academic year. 


The committee is made up of: 

Chair & Named Safeguarding Governor: Alastair Heath-Robinson (CEO)

Members: Kasha Blake (Headteacher, Handford Hall Primary), Christine Davey (Headteacher, Brooklands Primary), Anita Krishna (Headteacher, Halifax Primary)

Pupil Premium Strategy

The Willows Primary School is committed to ensuring that all of our pupils achieve their very best. We strongly believe that our pupils' potential to learn and their aspirations for the future should not be limited by their socio-economic background.  As a school, we receive additional funding (Pupil Premium Grant) to support our pupils who are currently receiving Free School Meals,  or who have been eligible to receive Free School Meals at any time over the last 6 years.


We are committed to ensuring that the Pupil Premium Grant we receive, is used effectively to meet the unique needs of our pupils.  In identifying the barriers to learning faced by our pupils, we have created a strategy that will support them to become confident, aspirational learners.  

Sports Premium Strategy

In March 2013 the Government announced that all Primary Schools would be receiving a Sport Premium allocation. Each year since 2013, schools have received funding. This funding is to be used for schools to provide, develop and deliver sustainable high quality teaching in school physical education and sport. At The Willows Primary School we aim to create a culture that encourages ALL children to be active and enjoy sport, and help foster the aspirations of future Olympians and Paralympians. Further information on how we intend to use this premium and the impact so far is shown in the document below, PE & Sport Premium.

Thoughtful.   Healthy.   Resilient.   Independent.   Vocal.    Engaged.
